Sunday, 9 September 2012

Day 10 Easy Sailing

Yesterday's low is gone. Sailed across the front at 8 PM last night. Seas were very confused and lumpy. Initially very light wind, but gradually the expected NW wind strengthened and we off! On course and after an hour so the speed was up to six knots. And so it stayed all last night. Today, lighter winds and from W of SW but still able to make 210 - 215. So Easy sailing for now, full main and #1 genoa, dry decks (though very salty) and smooth seas. Perfect. The GRIB files show one last low to get past and the signs are showing in the upper clouds. It is forecast to take a different track, going SE, instead of NE so I'll go straight to it as so as There is a sign of the wind shift. After that it looks good, with a high forming to the north and east winds for the final leg. Noon position 43N 22W, noon-to-noon 110 miles (lost an hour), 340 miles to go.
Coryn has been keeping track of two Hurricanes, Leslie and Michael, and both seem to be staying safely to the west, so no worries there.

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