Thursday, 30 August 2012

Off to the Azores

Coryn left this morning...bus to Craigmuir, ferry to Oban, local train to Glasgow, overnight train to London. Plans to visit brother in Cambridge and various nephews on Saturday and fly back to Victoria on Monday.

I left Tobermory at 11 and am now (17:00) clearing the south end of Tiree with open ocean ahead for the next 1,330 miles to Terceira. Easy sailing today in 15 knots of NW wind that is slowly veering into the west and is forecast to go to SW tomorrow and increase to 25 + knots as a ridge of high pressure moves east across the UK and a low fills in behind it This is the first high that I can remember this summer. Mostly it has been one low after another. I suppose that its going to hard sailing until I can south of 50N and out of the steady stream of lows. But for now all is good. Light wind just ahead of the beam. Smooth seas and sunshine. Taonui and Albert are loving it. Great boat.

20:00 Just past Skerryvore lighthouse. It must be one of the more remote UK lights. ten miles SW of Tiree. A small pile of rocks out there in the on there own waiting to ensnare ships sailing to and from Ireland and the west coast of Scotland. The island is called Stevenson Island and I presume he built. Stevenson (brother of R.L.) built most of the early lighthouses around the UK. Given the usual horrific weather and strong tides you have to marvel at the ingenuity of the workers building this 75 foot high,lender pinnacle.

It's going to be a spectacular sunset...and a bright, cold, clear night.

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